Talk with your Neighbors!
This site is a moderated community discussion site that is completely private. Our goal is to create an online community where people can share and discuss ideas, events, activism and whatever else we all think will be helpful in this chaotic period.
This site is intended to provide factual information and is open to all who are dissatisfied with the current regime in the US
The interface is simple, familiar and not unlike the giant social media sites. Without the drawbacks of AI slop, mis and disinformation posts, angry people attacking you and none of the surveillance technology monitoring. Oh, and no ads.
Talk with your Neighbors! means exactly that. This a space to try us out, then move into a local space
We will have many different public and private spaces for you to participate in (public means open to all members of the site, not public to the internet). We will be providing a space to learn more about how to be more secure and private on the internet in general and we can also host simple courses and spaces, event ticketing and planning, fully customizable project planning and more.
Did we mention NO ADS?
We Are Serious About Privacy
We have been utilizing strong privacy practices in our hosting business since 2010. All of our Indigrp Community sites are hosted on highly secure servers located in the EU. Our site hosting has 0 break ins and/or virus incidents and less than 0.0001% downtime on millions of hours every year.
We comply with GDPR for all of our users, wherever you are located. Our users can request deletion of their data at any time.
We also actively block search engine robots and all flavors of BOTS, including AI scrapers.
So What Does This Cost?
We will be offering privacy related tools as affiliates to generate some revenue to fund the cost of running the site. We will also ask for donations. Our moderators will need to be paid and our site hosting infrastructure is not cheap.
We aren’t looking to get rich off of these sites. We simply feel a duty to provide places where like-minded folks can get together safely and come up with solutions to combat the oligarchs and authoritarians from taking over the world. We hope we are wildly successful at that!
We encourage non-profits, PAC’s and community orgs to create your own.